Map Making Basics in R, Arcmap 10, and QGIS

Here is a collection of very basic mapping techniques I have recently learned while preparing various manuscripts from my dissertation for publication using tools like R, QGIS, and Arcmap 10. Parts of the page without a direct link are still under construction.

Mapping in Arcmap 10

Arcmap has two main views, the Data View, and the Layout View. You can switch between the two at the bottom of the windown.
I start out making maps in the Data View, and later when I finalize the map by adding north arrows, scale markers, and legends I will switch to Layout view. Layout view also gives you an idea of how the map will look like printed or saved as a PDF.

1. Tracing a line on a basemap, e.g. a highway, to make a line art map

2. Plotting X,Y coordinates

3. Adding Pie Charts

Mapping in R (this section overlaps with portions of my Rcode page)

1. Plot points on Google Map w/ option to place smaller inset map in NW corner of main map

2. Plot points on OpenStreetMap w/ option to place smaller inset map in NW corner of main map

3. Placing Inset Map within a Larger Map

4. Placing Species Range on a Map

5. See link below for example of how to plot pie charts on a Google Maps basemap

Mapping in QGIS (opensource alternative to Arcmap)

Useful Links to Other Mapping Sites or Blogs

1. Lots of great examples of how you can use R for mapping

2. OpenStreetMaps tutorial and examples

3. Pie charts on a GoogleMap basemap


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